Before 2024 wraps up, it’s only appropriate to summarize the biggest Bitcoin/crypto/(CBDC (Central Banking Digital Currency) scammers of 2024. The following individuals briefly listed are some of the most despicable and deceitful people on Earth; ironically, they are some of the most polarizing and respected people ever, to the point where fanatics within political parties and crypto communities have developed a sickening cult-like worship of these false idols. Dishonorable mentions will also be briefly mentioned.
#5 Kamala Harris
Democrats embrace Zionist Bitcoin
What is the so-called “anti-crypto” candidate, Kamala Harris, doing on this list? Believe or not, Harris is much like her counterpart “Crypto President”; both still represent the two-party duopoly, and heavily focus on policies that their donors want, which is further exploit and screw the working class.
Through the 4 years of the Biden-Harris Administration, the crypto industry (alongside Big Oil) have excessively paved way for propaganda crypto to be greatly involved in U.S. politics. The long term goal of Harris is exploit the working class, including Black Americans, to become standardized to Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrency. Although Harris has previously referred Bitcoin as “money for criminals”, Harris will adjust her positions to satisfy those who back, namely financial institutions such as BlackRock and “Crypto4Harris” enthusiasts such as Adam Schiff, Mark Cuban, and the “Mooch” Anthony Scaramucci.
Recently, Harris launched a smearing piece against black men. Known as the “Black Men Agenda”, Harris targets black men on five things she’ll do including provide black men cryptocurrency; but what does cryptocurrency have anything to do with uplifting black men, and largely, Black people? Harris is using a ponzi against her own people, which only benefit wealthy oligarchs and the earliest known investors of unregulated blockchain markets. The Democrats have even long abandoned offering reparations to Black people; why should Harris be any different?
(1) Provide 1 million loans that are fully forgivable to Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business.
(2) Champion education, training, and mentorship programs that help Black men get good-paying jobs in high-demand industries and lead their communities, including pathways to become teachers.
(3) Support a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and other digital assets so Black men who invest in and own these assets are protected.
(4) Launch a National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black Men that addresses sickle cell disease, diabetes, mental health, prostate cancer, and other health challenges that disproportionately impact them.
(5) Legalize recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry.
#4 Natalie Brunell
Out of all the “anchors” and “cheerleaders” who root for Bitcoin and its biggest pro-establishment supporters of Bitcoin the most is none other than Natalie Brunell. Brunell almost always speaks egregiously optimistic about any Bitcoin project, politician, billionaire, non-profit organization, etc.
And recently, Brunell got married; but when examining the photos much more closely, Brunell is surrounded by upper class individuals, even a billionaire who will be mentioned very shortly. The Bitcoin cake is cringe; an insulting nod to “Let them eat cake”.
Twitter announcement featuring the Assanges...except Julian Assange
In the upcoming Lugano’s Plan B forum featuring Stella Assange (Julian Assange’s wife), Gabriel Shipton (Julian’s brother), and John Noble Shipton (Julian’s father, Brunell has been assigned to be the moderator of this forum, happening October 25-26. But missing among the Assange family is Julian; why is Julian not making an appearance? What conditions, if any, are the Assange family refrained from talking about when it comes to Bitcoin, censorship, or compromises that Julian Assange ultimately had to make in order to be free? Will any discussion of who precisely donated nearly $500,000 in Bitcoin get brought up? Is Stella co-opted by Bitcoin “evangelist” scammers such as Brunell herself? Why are some establishment sponsors/partners such as Unchained (of which Senator Cynthia Lummis is heavily connected to), Human Rights Foundation, Cointelegraph, Strike, Ocean, Lightning Labs, etc. involved? A follow-up article on this establishment forum is crucial and necessary…
Given how actively involved Brunell is with continuing to push Bitcoin as nothing more than a ponzi, a future Substack article focused specifically on her needs to be explored; until then, additional information on Brunell’s background and grifts per Bitcoin can be found here.
#3 Max Keiser
Max Keiser never represented U.S. nor El Salvador
The Wall Street elitist, co-founder of Hollywood Stock Exchange, and former contributor to RT, and currently a personal advisor (on all things related to Bitcoin) to the El Salvador President Nayib Bukele; Max Keiser continues to scam and scold any critique who has massive doubts about Bitcoin or Keiser himself. And while Keiser has benefitted massively off of El Salvador’s land, Keiser has openly invited other elites, such as Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr., to invest and buy property in El Salvador. In the long run, if scammers like Keiser continue to reap off of local El Salvadorans and go unchallenged, El Salvadorans who want nothing to do with Bitcoin or crypto in general may be in for a rude awakening, such as the rise of Western imperialism propaganda along with prices of food, rent, inflation, increasing exponentially no thanks to wealthy people like Keiser. And although President Bukele for most part has been praised as someone who has effectively cleaned out gangs and drug cartels, Bukele is backed nonetheless by Western business and pro-Israel interest, something which Keiser will never acknowledge.
As of late, Keiser has become extremely unhinged on topic matters related to Bitcoin. At any point, Keiser uses Twitter to find any opportunity to remind previous specific groups of people whom he “warned”, should have invested in Bitcoin. But every group Max Keiser has referred have been non-white, and those who have been screwed the most under Western capitalism and warfare. Exact tweets are posted below, showcasing Keiser’s moronic and nonsensical racial slurs that target Blacks, Palestinians, and Saudis.

#2 Donald J. Trump
Trump Releases Fourth Drop of His NFT Trading Cards
Trump DeFi project’s token sale bombs harder than Joker sequel
How could this article be complete without mentioning the 45th President, Donald J. Trump.
Where to even begin? Trump loves to run his mouth; his charisma is like a magnet where he’ll pull in the most volatile sorts of people who either really love or hate Trump. TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and MAGA (Make America Great America) have become something of a parody, showing how extremely fragile are American egos’ and that in actual reality, Trump is nothing other than a narcissist, a distraction to keep Americans distracted, a puppet of actual oligarchs who run the United States and Israel.
And when it comes to Trump and cryptocurrency, Trump is the biggest example of someone who obviously follows a script, setup by elites from the WEF (World Economic Forum) to Wall Street and the crypto industry, to financial institutional giants such as BlackRock and Blackstone, to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which also heavily funds Kamala Harris’s campaign. Some notable paraphrases from Trump when attending Bitcoin Nashville Conference aka RNC 2.0 include:
A miracle of cooperation and human achievement
Best economy, highest standard of living, the safest and most beautiful cities; our cities are going to hell right now
If we don’t embrace crypto and Bitcoin technology, China will, other countries will, they’ll dominate, China’s making too much “progress”
We’re be using fossil fuel to make electricity because we’re going to have to do. We’ll be using nuclear, environmentally friendly
I love Elon (Elmo Musk); he endorsed me.
The U.S. will be the crypto capitol and the Bitcoin superpower of the world. If crypto is going to define the future, it has to be mined, minted, and made in the U.S.
You got to get out and vote
I pledge to the Bitcoin community, Biden’s and Kamala’s Bitcoin crusade will be over
Elizabeth Warren, Pochantas, she hates everything about you. On Day 1, I will fire Gary Gensler
We will create a safe, responsible expansion of “stable coins” allowing us to extend the dominance of the US Dollar to new frontier all around the world
America will be richer, the world will be better and there will be billions and billions of people brought into crypto economy and storing their savings in Bitcoin. That’s the way it is.
#1 Michael Saylor
Michael Saylor the chaotic Bitcoin Zionist
Finally, the biggest Bitcoin/crypto scammer of all goes to Michael Saylor. Saylor’s reckless gamble with investing solely on Bitcoin and his own company, MicroStrategy (MSTR), has paid off albeit extreme hype and zealous support from Bitcoin/crypto enthusiasts in social media (Youtube, Twitter) to corporate media (crypto outlets, CNBC, Bloomberg, billionaires, financial institutions, etc.)…but how long can Saylor keep this up when his previous history show cases of tax evasion, losing investors money that resulted in MicroStrategy being whooped a $13.53 billion loss (!!!) during Dotcom, forming business ties in Tel Aviv, Israel, and constantly being in debt, only to be oddly approved to take debt.
How did Saylor get so filthy rich within the past several years? Essentially, Saylor used his company to buy in debt Bitcoin, and capitalize on the cryptocurrency’s volatility. And backing Saylor and MicroStrategy include massive Bitcoin propaganda from the oligarchs and its gatekeepers, corporate media hyping up Bitcoin and all cryptocurrency since August 2013, and dumb, very dumb followers of Wall Street and the crypto industry investing their hard-earned money into an unregulated ponzi scheme. Undoubtedly, Michael Saylor is the next Bernie Madoff, the largest ponzi schemer to date. The chart below summarizes how Saylor has stayed “rich” so long as he continues to “pump” Bitcoin’s value…
In Saylor’s narcissistic mind, everything standard has to be Bitcoin-related. Mentally wise, Saylor is not doing well and is on the early signs of decline. Like the last biggest scammer on this list, Saylor has a strange fixation of constantly looking at himself in the mirrors of Ai; Saylor thinks Bitcoin is somehow omnipotent and God loves Bitcoin…literally, there is an insane documentary about it.
Dishonorable Mentions
Before wrapping, five additional names are highlighted given their involvement in using cryptocurrency as a ponzi.
Binance under scrutiny; denies freezing Palestinians' crypto!
Earlier this year, crypto exchange Binance was accused of turning in Palestinians’ KYCS (Know Your Customers) directly to the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). In response, many Binance customers vowed to #BoycottBinance, including Ray Youssef and company Noones App. Even though donations in Bitcoin is directly unconventional to anyone who does not have electricity (the IDF constantly makes it difficult for Gaza to have proper electricity, water, shelter), if the motive of Youssef is to simply support families who are in desperate need in Gaza, such as supplying 500 packages of meat & rice for displaced families in Deir al Balah, 5+ water distributions West of Nuseirat, then perhaps someone like Youssef has a noble cause, something which many crypto businesses such as Binance lack. For now, cryptocurrency donations via Noones is a temporarily solution to then exchange for goods but ultimately, the end goal must be abolish Israel and its IDF, and for crypto exchanges to not default to Zionism, which ironically has already happened via starting with the biggest food chain, BlackRock.
Brock Pierce
Puerto topia failure: Bitcoin vet Brock Pierce gets legal problems instead of a crypto hub
Tether Co-founder Brock Pierce Locked in Legal Disputes with Business Partners
Pierce is an entrepreneur in Puerto Rico who previously ran as an independent for the 2020 election. But as of late, Pierce is facing legal battles, from personal gain (tax fraud?) to misusing funds provided by family friend partner, Joseph Lipsey III, of at least $4 million, to attempting to transform Puerto Rico into a crypto capitol involving NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). The Lipsey family were also previously investigated for supplying cocaine to minors; no one is innocent in this scenario. And much like how El Salvador under the dystopian leadership(s) of President Bukele (and Keiser) is being heavily exploited by wealthy individuals, Puerto Rico has also experienced a similar fate.
Additionally, Pierce is one of the original co-founders of the stablecoin known as Tether. Alongside Bitcoin, Tether has been implemented in El Salvador per Max Keiser as a visa program, which would allow participants to obtain a Salvadoran passport by paying $1 million in Bitcoin. Does Pierce have any direct ties to El Salvador? It would appear so; Pierce is all too familiar with how to run a ponzi involving blockchain.
Why Is Brock Pierce Leading An “Official Delegation of Bitcoin” In El Salvador?
God Bless Bitcoin
Filmmakers, Featured Participants
What happens when blockchain and rhetoric of religion gets mixed? Out comes a horrendous and utter violation of the whole premise of believing, having faith in God, which is to only believe in HIM, and not false idolatries. So would God/the LORD/Jesus Christ/Yahweh (YHWH) ever be in the interest of blessing a man-made currency dubbed Bitcoin?
Enter the documentary known as “God Bless Bitcoin”, a scam that enables in-depth conversations with bitcoin and interfaith religious leaders. The Lead Executive Producers, husband Brian Estes and wife Kelly Estes, recruit participants such as Natalie Brunell (who once again is a narrator), Michael Saylor, Mark Cuban, Robert F Kennedy Jr, and even pro-skater Tony Hawk to discuss how the current fiat-based monetary system is broken/unjust/immoral, with its deep connections to the military industrial complex and war propaganda.
And already, there are several red flags to point out:
Why are the Estes basing their documentary over opinions of a corrupt, unjust, and greedy upper class of elites who have nothing in common with the working class, let alone nations who have suffered and been bullied by U.S. imperialism?
How is digital currency not any different from fiat-based currency, when the same oligarchs who are pushing for digital currency are also behind the atrocities committed for Zionism and U.S. expansion, to wipe out Gaza, acquire resources and leave other nations dry.
Church organizations, including that of Catholicism, have used real property assets to shield themselves from collateral damage. Why should God Bless Bitcoin be treated any differently?
What is Brian Estes’s stake on the six blockchain companies that he has advised/mentored/financed? Combined, they are worth a value over $50 billion…scam!
Why does Kelly Estes only provide bridge scholarships to private high schools and colleges?
Politicians/Financial Institutions/Gatekeepers within Bitcoin, crypto, CBDC
(A crowdsourced data project to track politicians who have skin in the Bitcoin game.)
How Democrats have shifted on crypto
This section theoretically should be much larger; for simplicity sake, here are listed numerous individuals of those who are a disservice to the American people and working classes around the world, who use cryptocurrency as a ponzi, grift, opportunity to make money off of others or assist with integrating their donors into the crypto industry and its the ponzi, such as Elizabeth Warren/JP Morgan or Cynthia Lummis/Unchained. Most of the names listed are either vehement supporters of Israel and its genocide against Gaza or those who choose to be politically oblivious to geopolitical matters. Either way, BlackRock, lord of all Bitcoin Zionists, “wins” by default and not one individual named below has the courage to challenge or abolish the corrupt system known as late stage capitalism. To these bastards, its all about profit via blockchain ponzis.
Ro Khanna, Elizabeth Warren, Cynthia Lummis, Michael McCaul, Mike Collins, Ted Cruz, Barry Moore, J.D. Vance, Jefferson Van Drew, Michael Waltz, Chuck Schumer, Tulsi Gabbard (former Congresswoman), Jasmine Crockett, Shomari Figures, Vivek Ramaswamy, Robert F. Kennedy (presidential candidate who previously ran as a Democrat, then an Independent, and now a vital supporter to Trump)
Financial Institutions:
Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock), Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla/Space X), Salim Ramji (CEO of Vanguard), Brain Armstrong (CEO of Coinbase), Kris Marszalek (CEO of, Cathie Wood (CEO Of Ark Invest), Joseph Kelly (CEO of Unchained), Vladimir Tenev (CEO of Robinhood), Michael Saylor (former CEO of MicroStrategy), Vitalik Buterin (inventor of Ethereum, founder of Bitcoin Magazine)
Gatekeepers/Crypto Bros/Crypto Gals:
AltCoin Daily (Aaron and Austin Arnold), Andrew Tate, BitBoy (Ben Armstrong), CryptoWendyO, Crypto Casey (Casey Leigh Henry), Dom Bei (Proof of Workforce), (Graham Elwood, Hailey Lennon (Forbes), Lark Davis, Layah Heilpern, Logan Paul, Lana Negrete (Vice Mayor of the Santa Monica City Council), Randi Hipper (MissTeenCrypto), Isabella Santos (Bitcoin Magazine), Hailey Welch (Hawk Tuah), Peter McCormack, Lina Seiche (author of The Little HODLer), Mike Alfred, Crypto Tea, George Tung (CryptoRUs), Russell Brand
Rokfin: Experiencing Technical Difficulties as a Video Platform
Rokfin, Video Publishing Platform: What Is Going On? Financial Trouble? A Sale?
Rokfin October Update: Not Looking Good
Indie from Indie News Network & Indie Media Awards has been doing a thorough investigation as to why the crypto-based video publishing platform known as Rokfin has not been paying out its content creators. While Rokfin has yet to properly respond to Indie or any content creator for the concern, Rokfin’s own CEO, Martin Floreani, has patched up a new LLC. Is a sale being launched?
Either way, if Rokfin goes unchallenged, then other crypto-based platforms in the near future could copy Rokfin’s devious tactics all while privately making themselves be at service to a bigger corporate platform. In the long run, content creators don’t get directly paid, feel deceived, and have wasted their own precious time on a platform that they thought was decently genuine to independent figures such as Indie. RIP Rokfin.
With that said,
#FreePalestine 🇵🇸 #FuckBitcoin
-Golden Monarch